Here is our


Join us in our mission to clean up and protect The Nile River. Together, we can make a real difference in its health and sustainability.

How are we going

to fight the plastics.

The Nile up Framework is a methodology that team members and external collaborators will have to adopt in order to deliver all our activities at the required quality. This framework is based on the basic UX design framework, which is called Design Thinking and its goal is primarily to solve the problems of end users and customers.


Pay attention. Listen to what people are saying and be open to all sides of the story. Collect all data necessary, interview all people and organisations responsible for the problem, listen to their needs. This phase should act as a lighthouse to bring the light on the most acute problems our organisation and society face when it comes to clean water. Based on the acuteness of the various problems, choose the one you want to dig in and dig deeper.


Learn is the second phase where we dig deeper. Based on the recommendations coming from the Pay Attention phase (which will be mostly handled by Nile Data) is to learn as much as possible about the specific problem and possible solutions we can use to resolve the problem. The output of this phase should be the Strategic document called Action plan with specific steps required to cover this problem and bring the solution which will ensure that this problem will never occur again.


This phase covers specific steps and actions needed to be done to resolve the problem with specific action plans for each one of them. In this phase we will choose the person responsible for achieving our goal and creating the team that will work on these issues and tasks. The positive impact should be visible in the data and in the region itself by the naked eye. This phase will ensure that our goals are on track and will also provide onsite data and information to Nile Data part of the organisation to bring real insights into the data and laboratory world. This phase is covered mostly by the Nile Cleanup part of the organisation.


Just repeat. If anything is working, repeat it until the problem is completely solved. If something is not working correctly, collect all the relevant feedback and update the action plan accordingly to create safe space for team members and supporters.

What are we


We are building a platform which will not affect only the Nile River Basin area, but will become the most advanced touchpoint for everyone interested in the area of preserving life and natural ecosystem in all worlds rivers and seas by using the most accurate data and innovative solutions.

Cleaning & Recycling

The basic activity of the entire organisation is the cleaning of the river system. Our entire strategy and vision revolves around this goal. To begin with, we can use the experience and advice of organisations that have been engaged in similar activities for years. Our goal is to use every solution and opportunity that will help us be better fighters in this fight. There are many organisations in the world with functional and efficient processes with good results from which we can learn. There are also many ways, or we can come up, how to deal with all this mess humanity was able to make in the last 40 years and come up with new products or use of the material we now consider to be waste. 


Another field of the problem that needs our attention is the amount of the plastic waste which end up in the Nile River. The truth is  there are more than 80 000 tons of plastics waste flowing in the Mediterranean Sea every year and only the very small fraction of this waste is being pulled out from the River. The total amount of the waste already pulled out the river doesn’t exceeds the 0.05 % of the total amount of the waste, and we are being very optimistic with our calculations as well. Most of the plastic debris in the river system is coming from the ground are around the Nile Basin. 


In order for people to behave responsibly towards their surroundings, it is necessary to devote time and attention to them and ensure access to complete information. The right person with the right information at the right time can move crowds with a word. We feel a great responsibility towards future generations, to whom we want to leave the planet as healthy as possible. And it is our duty to explain to the generation that raised us how to change some of their habits. We will achieve this through thorough education of the population. It is important to explain to people that the problem of pollution and climate change is real and affects us all.

Research & Development

Research and development is one of the most important activities in solving the problem of pollution and climate change. We believe that in order to achieve the desired change and fulfil our mission, we need an effective and constructive approach to the solution. It is critical to start using the knowledge of talented people and professionals, and to start using technology and innovation not as a primary source of financial income, but as a primary source of solving complex and complex issues. Since the Nile Basin region suffers from a lot of pollution and at the same time a lack of data, it is essential for us to focus on monitoring the current state of environmental pollution in this region, conducting detailed research and creating systematic solutions that we can subsequently use in other parts of the world.


In some ways, the most important activity of the entire organization will be to ensure the creation of communities at all levels, from living people, ordinary people, fishermen, artists in the Nile Basin region to the international cooperation of professionals and decision-makers. We believe that the creation of communities will fundamentally enable us to accelerate the desired change within the entire process of cleaning not only the Nile River, but also all the world’s waters. We are aware of the delicacy of the whole situation, therefore we perceive this approach as the only correct one to build trust between all interested parties.


As we mentioned before, there are many organizations in the world that are engaged in activities similar to ours. In addition to building communities whose activities will primarily be defined within certain thematic areas or geographical and demographic boundaries, it will be important to build relationships with organizations and companies that look at this problem from a different angle, often from a political or business perspective. Nevertheless, we believe that it is better to come up with solutions together that will ensure a healthy future for the planet as such, than to worry later, which will be in a few years.

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helps us?

We perceive this as a problem for all of us, which cannot be defined within geopolitical and demographic boundaries, but in the solution of which not only the entire African society and the continent must be involved, but the whole world is called to make an action.

The Netherlands
Waldeck Pyrmontkade 436
2518KG, The Hague
The Netherlands
